iC3 Field School in the Lyngen Alps
Biogeochemical cycling from ice to ocean
Biogeochemical cycling from ice to ocean
Participants in the annual iC3 field school live and work next to Steindalsbreen glacier in the Lyngen Alps near Tromsø.

The course covers the entire ice to ocean transect, with fieldwork in the glacial forefield, along the valley and in the fjord.
“One moment you’re embracing the magnitude of a glacier front and its cascading melt water discharge, and the next your peering down a microscope discussing how fresh-water input and nutrient concentrations may have influenced the marine ecosystems and species assemblages.” - Luke Simmons, PhD student
Working out of mountain huts near Steindalsbreen glacier, a field station and the deck of a research ship, each participant gets the opportunity to learn and apply a variety of biogeochemical sampling techniques both on land and at sea.
"It's a rare chance to gain new insights through hands-on experience with a variety of samples and measurement techniques. It helped me to understand how everything connects within the broader system, something that's often easy to overlook." - Joost van Genuchten, PhD student
The next field school will take place in September 2025.
Early Career Scientists
Postdoctoral Fellowships
iC3 offers a friendly and supportive working environment to early career researchers who are passionate about polar science.